It is important to note that many of the health benefits of moderate alcohol use for older adults may come with negative trade-offs. There is limited availability of SUD treatment facilities that accept Medicaid, with only about 60% of US counties having at least 1 outpatient SUD facility that accepts Medicaid 83. Further exacerbating this issue is the fact that counties with a higher percentage of Black, rural, and/or uninsured residents were less likely to have an SUD facility that accepts Medicaid 83. Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reports that in adults 65 years and older, 0.2% had used cocaine in the past year in 2019, and 0.3% in 2020 3. Between 2000 and 2017, older adults showed greater increases in proportions admitted for cocaine/crack relative to younger adults 49.
Prevalence of Lifetime Drinking
It is easy to get frustrated with an older person abusing substances, sometimes more so than with one in another age group, because they’re very defensive and set in their ways. Moreover, they can substance abuse in older adults unknowingly become addicted to these medications, making it another cause of substance abuse in the elderly. Before assessing for depression and PTSD, make sure you have a safety plan in place. This will help you respond appropriately to any client’s reports of abuse and self-harm. Screen and assess clients for factors that increase the odds of misuse and addiction. Physical health issues (e.g., severe liver disease) that affect whether medications can be given for certain SUDs, such as opioid use disorder.
Screening for Co-Occurring Disorders and Conditions
The demographic subgroups with the largest reductions in perceived risk were those never married, men, and those who lived in states where medical cannabis was legal 31. Importantly, those with chronic disease and high-risk behaviors, including tobacco and binge alcohol use, also had significant decreases in perceived risk 31. Older adults with high-risk behaviors are already at particular risk for harm, and the changing perceptions of cannabis use in this group can potentially lead to more consequences 31.
Recovery Support and Relapse Prevention
The AUDIT has demonstrated reliability in studies of AUD screening.329 The AUDIT (self-report version) and the AUDIT-C are available in the Chapter 3 Appendix. The fourth section describes how to fully assess older adults who screen positive for moderate-to-severe substance misuse. A full assessment does more than just ask clients about substance use. This will give you a more complete picture of your clients’ substance-related issues and will help you understand how substance misuse affects them. The first section of Chapter 3 is about the challenges to screening and assessing older clients for substance misuse.
Prevalence of Past-Month Heavy Alcohol Use
- If your program cannot offer treatment for SUDs, refer your clients to counseling and tailored psychosocial supports that have the capacity to meet older adults’ unique needs.
- Gender and racial inequities and stigma increase the risk of SUD at all ages and can act as a powerful barrier to treatment.
- With access to the internet, you can complete a mental health test through Mental Health America.6 As a reminder, screening is not a diagnosis.
The impact alcoholism treatment of alcohol-related injuries is much more severe, the general physical effects of drugs and alcohol are more serious, and dangerous medical interactions are a distinct and scary possibility. Make referrals to medical services that provide respectful, consistent physical health care. As with any client, you should make appropriate referrals for medical care that is beyond what your practice setting offers.
- The impact of alcohol-related injuries is much more severe, the general physical effects of drugs and alcohol are more serious, and dangerous medical interactions are a distinct and scary possibility.
- Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., text rev.).
- This shows clients that you are concerned and feel empathy for them rather than making them feel like their substance use is a consequence of weak willpower or a personal flaw.
- Alcoholism in the elderly is more likely to cause functional impairment, compromising their ability to perform everyday tasks such as shopping, cleaning, and cooking.
As the baby boom generation ages, the health care system will be challenged to provide culturally competent services to this group, as they are a unique generation of older adults. Knowledge about older-adult substance use and the issues that contribute to late onset or maintained addiction in late life will need to be continually updated as we learn how and why this generation of adults uses substances. The prevalence of opioid prescriptions in older adults continues to increase 54. As the population ages, there are increasing indications—whether appropriate or not—for opioids in older adults.
Furthermore, the use of biologic screening (ie, laboratory tests) has limited utility and can be problematic in older adults, as isolating impaired bodily functions (ie, liver function) as the result of alcohol or other substances versus prescribed medications may be difficult. Each of the instruments listed next have strengths and weaknesses related to resources required to implement them or applicability to older adults. Cannabis use by older adults is considerably more prevalent than other drugs. Among adults aged 50 years and older in 2012, 4.6 million reported past-year marijuana use, and less than one million reported cocaine, inhalants, hallucinogens, methamphetamine, and/or heroin use in the past year. A senior may not recognize risks even after undergoing some treatment therapy.